Web - Transactions
- Web transactions are used to map UXM Web agent data into logical names that businesses can report on.
- Each transaction gets it’s own SLA and Apdex score and can be used to report performance on.
- Go to Administration > Real user (Web) > Web Transactions.
- Monitored Web page Title, Identifier, Url and query/hash can be used to report on.
- Identifier is the object that the user clicked on or action in browser.
For example, consider the expression: <a id="top">heading1</a>
Here we would look for the identifier that contains heading1.
Text can be tested with string comparisons and regular expression.
See regular expression section for example
Use Check for matches to see if the rules matches any received Web agent events:
Using Regex
To learn more about regular expressions look at regexr.com, you can test the regular expressions at https://regex101.com/. (There you can input your expression and view a detailed explanation of each element)
Please note that all regexes needs to be escaped properly.
Map URL that contains 2 dynamic values
URL: https://site.domain/folder/node/1808/post/1423
Regex: \/node\/\d+(\.\d{1,2})?\/post\/\d+(\.\d{1,2})?$
d+(\.\d{1,2})? tells that it should match numbers
$ tells that match should end after the numbers
Regex101.com can show you what is matched.