UXM exports CSV files with following settings:
- Rows are separated by line breaks (newline characters)
- Decimal separators "."
- Thousand separators ","
- Field/column separator ";"
- Fields that contain text/dots/commas begins and ends with double quotes
- File encoding UTF-8 without BOM
Excel will parse the values incorrectly if your machines regional settings is set to Danish, English (Great Britain) or other regions where , is used for decimal separators.
Option 1 - Text to columns
Double click CSV file to open it, if data isn't split to multiple columns then select column A and Data -> Text To Columns button.
Set data type to delimited and press next
Select comma delimiters and press next
Select Advanced and set decimal separator to "." and thousands separator to "," and press OK and click finish to convert CSV file to columns.
Option 2 - Change separators used by Excel
Open Excel and File -> Options -> Advanced
De-check "Use system separators" and set Decimal separator to "." and Thousands separator to ","
Re-open the file and decimals will be correctly added.