Access to useful information regarding the overall health, performance, usage time, locations, and errors related to the installed web and desktop applications.
Divided in 6 main tabs:
This dashboard is designed to display specific metrics related to the application type, can be web or desktop. Showing an additional tab in each case.
Data is obtained from the monitored web and desktop applications and categorised using colored fields represented by Poor (red), Fair (yellow), and Good (green) for faster analysis and issues detection.
Single Values
Located at the top section, displays the overall values of relevant metrics to quickly understand the application performance and issues status. And based on the application type, specific information will be available.
In addition, it is possible to click the cards to show more details.
Overall Score: Application's performance overall points. Value is the total number of points.
Apdex (SLA): Application Performance Index, also known as Apdex, is an open standard intended to simplify reports of application performance. The closer the value is to 1, the better the performance.
Page Load Errors: Displayed when analysing a web application. Is the total amount of issues detected when processing user page load requests.
Crashes & Hangs: Displayed when analysing a desktop application. Is the total amount of issues detected while running the application.
Users Using App: Total number of users running the application.
Endpoints Using App: Total number of endpoints running the application.
Hours of Usage Time in Foreground: Total amount of time application spent in foreground while running. Values is total hours.
Colored fields are categorised using the following thresholds:
Metric Poor Fair Good Overall Score 0 to 40 points 41 to 80 points From 81 points Apdex (SLA) 0.00 to 0.70 0.71 to 0.85 0.86 to 1.00 Page Load Errors From 6 errors 3 to 5 errors 0 to 2 errors Crashes & Hangs From 6 crashes/hangs 3 to 5 crashes/hangs 0 to 2 crashes/hangs
Web and desktop application's performance overview. Displays the overall scores for Apdex (SLA) and, depending on the application type, metrics for Page Load 4xx and 5xx Errors, or Crashes and Hangs for web and desktop applications, respectively.
When using this tab, click the cards to drill down into additional details.
Overall Score: Application's performance overall points. Value is the total number of points.
Apdex (SLA): Application Performance Index, also known as Apdex, is an open standard intended to simplify reports of application performance. The closer the value is to 1, the better the performance.
Page Load 4xx Errors: Displayed when analysing a web application. These status codes are intended for situations in which the error may have been caused by the client. Value is the total amount of issues detected when processing user page load requests.
Page Load 5xx Errors: Displayed when analysing a web application. These status codes indicate cases where the server encountered an error or is unable to process the request. Value is the total amount of issues detected when processing user page load requests.
Application Crashes: Displayed when analysing a desktop application. The application suffers a sudden exit during the program execution, usually related to an unhandled exception. Value is the total amount of crashes.
Application Hangs: Displayed when analysing a desktop application. When the operating system or module stops processing user inputs via the user interface (UI). Value is the total amount of hangs.
Colored fields are categorised using the following thresholds:
Metric Scores Poor (40 points) Fair (80 points) Good (100 points) Overall Score 0 to 40 points 41 to 80 points From 81 points Apdex (SLA) 0.00 to 0.70 0.71 to 0.85 0.86 to 1.00 Page Load 4xx Errors From 6 errors 3 to 5 errors 0 to 2 errors Page Load 5xx Errors From 6 errors 3 to 5 errors 0 to 2 errors Application Crashes From 6 crashes 3 to 5 crashes 0 to 2 crashes Application Hangs From 6 hangs 3 to 5 hangs 0 to 2 hangs
Apdex (SLA)
Application Performance Index overview detailing Satisfied, Tolerated, and Frustrated transactions. When in this tab, click any table's row to access additional information.
Requests: Amount of requests made by a client, via web application, to a server in order to retrieve information or other resource. In the case of a desktop application, it refers to the number of requests made by a user when interacting with the application user interface (UI). Calculated value is the total count of requests.
Apdex (SLA): Application Performance Index, also known as Apdex, is an open standard intended to simplify reports of application performance. The closer the value is to 1, the better the performance.
Satisfied: Transaction time met the SLA target. Value is the total percentage (%).
Tolerated: Transaction time is between the Tolerated and Frustrated SLA targets. Value is the total percentage (%).
Frustrated: Transaction time is above the Frustrated SLA target. Value is the total percentage (%).
Colored fields are categorised using the following thresholds:
Metric Poor Fair Good Apdex (SLA) 0.00 to 0.70 0.71 to 0.85 0.86 to 1.00
Web and desktop application's performance analysis with the overall data, transactions and custom locations. While navigating in this tab, click any table's row to access more details.
Requests: Amount of requests made by a client, via web application, to a server in order to retrieve information or other resource. In the case of a desktop application, it refers to the number of requests made by a user when interacting with the application user interface (UI). Calculated value is the total count of requests.
Apdex (SLA): Application Performance Index, also known as Apdex, is an open standard intended to simplify reports of application performance. The closer the value is to 1, the better the performance.
Response Time: Time it takes for a request from a user to receive a response from a server. In the case of a desktop application, it refers to the elapsed time between the user input and the application response. Value is expressed as seconds (sec).
Total Wait Time: Total amount of time it takes to process the requests. Value is expressed as hours.
Colored fields are categorised using the following thresholds:
Metric Poor Fair Good Apdex (SLA) 0.00 to 0.70 0.71 to 0.85 0.86 to 1.00
Usage Time
Access time information related to the web and desktop application usage. Use the Group By option to split data by different dimensions and improve the analysis.
In addition, it is possible to click the table's row to drill down into more information.
Usage Time in Foreground: Total amount of time application spent in foreground while running. Values is total hours.
Unique Endpoints: Total number of unique endpoints using or running the application.
Access information related to the operating systems running the monitored web and desktop applications. When analysing data in this tab, click the table's row to display more details.
Requests: Amount of requests made by a client, via web application, to a server in order to retrieve information or other resource. In the case of a desktop application, it refers to the number of requests made by a user when interacting with the application user interface (UI). Calculated value is the total count of requests.
Apdex (SLA): Application Performance Index, also known as Apdex, is an open standard intended to simplify reports of application performance. The closer the value is to 1, the better the performance.
Response Time: Time it takes for a request from a user to receive a response from a server. In the case of a desktop application, it refers to the elapsed time between the user input and the application response. Value is expressed as seconds (sec).
Total Wait Time: Total amount of time it takes to process the requests. Expressed as hours.
Colored fields are categorised using the following thresholds:
Metric Poor Fair Good Apdex (SLA) 0.00 to 0.70 0.71 to 0.85 0.86 to 1.00
Web and desktop application analysis based on country and locations, with a graphic world map for easy data analysis.
In this tab, click the country of interest in the world map to display additional information. Also, it is possible to click any table's row to drill down into further details.
Requests: Amount of requests made by a client, via web application, to a server in order to retrieve information or other resource. In the case of a desktop application, it refers to the number of requests made by a user when interacting with the application user interface (UI). Calculated value is the total count of requests.
Apdex (SLA): Application Performance Index, also known as Apdex, is an open standard intended to simplify reports of application performance. The closer the value is to 1, the better the performance.
Response Time: Time it takes for a request from a user to receive a response from a server. In the case of a desktop application, it refers to the elapsed time between the user input and the application response. Value is expressed as seconds (sec).
Total Wait Time: Total amount of time it takes to process the requests. Expressed as hours.
Time To First Byte: Displayed when analysing a web application. Measures the time between the request for a resource and when the first byte of a response begins to arrive. Calculated value is the median and expressed as milliseconds (ms). This value is stored for Page Loads only, not for resource timings.
First Contentful Paint: Displayed when analysing a web application. Measures the time from when the page starts loading to when any part of the page's content is rendered on the screen. For this metric, "content" refers to text, images (including background images), and elements. Calculated value is the median and expressed as milliseconds (ms). This value is stored for Page Loads only, not for resource timings.
Colored fields are categorised using the following thresholds:
Metric Poor Fair Good Apdex (SLA) 0.00 to 0.70 0.71 to 0.85 0.86 to 1.00 Time To First Byte From 1,801 ms 801 to 1,800 ms 0 to 800 ms First Contentful Paint From 3,001 ms 1,801 to 3,000 ms 0 to 1,800 ms
Access errors data generated by requests and browsers when analysing a web application. While in this tab, click the table's row to drill down into more details.
4xx (Client Error): These status codes are intended for situations in which the error may have been caused by the client. Value is the total number of errors.
5xx (Server Error): These status codes indicate cases where the server encountered an error or is unable to process the request. Value is the total number of errors.
Error Code: Code that indicates the nature of an error and why it occurred.
Affected Endpoints: Total amount of endpoints or nodes affected by the errors.
Errors Occurred: Total amount of errors generated by request.
Crashes & Hangs
Displays metrics and data related to problems experienced while running a desktop application. When analysing in this tab, click the table's row to drill down into further details.
Crashes: The application suffers a sudden exit during the program execution, usually related to an unhandled exception. Value is the total amount of crashes.
Hangs: When the operating system or module stops processing user inputs via the user interface (UI). Value is the total amount of hangs.
Hang Time: Total time the desktop application remained frozen or without processing the user's input. Expressed as seconds (sec).
Colored fields are categorised using the following thresholds:
Metric Poor Fair Good Crashes From 6 crashes 3 to 5 crashes 0 to 2 crashes Hangs From 6 hangs 3 to 5 hangs 0 to 2 hangs