Follow the steps below to deploy the UXM Desktop Agent, software can be downloaded from here: Download Agent Software.
There are 2 different ways to deploy the agent:
- Using your corporations deployment tools like SCCM, Group Policies.
- Remote install via domain admin and psexec.
Installation options
Argument | Value |
/agent_key= |
Agent Key generated when Splunk App is configured. Is used for extra security and to prevent customs on same SaaS solution to be able to access other customers data. |
/collector= |
UXM collector url that data is send to, has to be http:// or https://, both IP and DNS can be used. HTTPs requires that you use DNS and have a valid HTTPs certificate on the Splunk server / Reverse Proxy. Use if hosted by MCG on our SaaS solution. |
/verify_https= |
true: Will verify HTTPs connection and server certificate. Valid HTTPs certificate has to be installed on Splunk server / Reverse Proxy. false: Ignores HTTPs certificate warnings. |
/proxy_auto_detect= |
true: Will look through all users on the PC and use the first proxy setting it finds. false: Will use proxy settings supplied below. |
/proxy_server= |
Proxy server |
/proxy_port= |
Proxy port |
/proxy_user= |
Proxy user if proxy server requires authentication. |
/proxy_password= |
Proxy password if proxy server requires authentication. |
/proxy_autoconfig_url= |
JavaScript file that can return different proxy servers depending on host.
/ca_certificates_file= |
Path to custom ca-certificates.crt file to use, this file contains Root CA authorities. |
/synchronize_each_min= |
How often new/updated profiles are downloaded from the Splunk collector server. Default is every 60 minutes, only new and updated profiles is downloaded. |
/enable_ui_plugin= |
Enable Desktop UI monitoring plugin, launches PCAgentUI.exe process for each user session on the PC. (For monitoring clicks and events inside monitored programs) |
/enable_edgechromium_plugin |
true: Install Edge Chromium extension to get measurements from monitored Websites. false: Edge Chromium extension won't be installed by UXM Desktop, you can deploy it via GPO's if your enterprise deploys Edge extensions this way. (Recommended) |
/enable_chrome_plugin= |
true: Install Chrome extension to get measurements from monitored Websites. false: Chrome extension won't be installed by UXM Desktop, you can deploy it via GPO's if your enterprise deploys Chrome extensions this way. (Recommended) |
/enable_firefox_plugin= |
true: Force Firefox addon to be installed to get measurements from monitored Websites. Not working since Firefox 74, see false: Firefox addon won't be installed by UXM Desktop, deploy via ESR. |
/enable_ie_plugin= |
true: Installs Internet Explorer BHO addon to get measurements from monitored Websites. false: Internet Explorer addon won't be installed. |
/force_activation= |
true: Force the Chrome extension and Firefox addon to be loaded, users won't be able to disable the plugins. false: Users will be asked to accept the extensions, see following guide on how the extensions can be forced. |
/dir |
Directory to install agent in, for example: D:\Program Files\Systemslab\UXM Desktop Agent |
/silent |
Instructs setup to be silent, silent, will show an progress UI. |
/verysilent |
Instructs setup to install very silent where no UI or questions is asked. |
/norestart |
Prevents Setup from restarting the system following a successful installation, or after a Preparing to Install failure that requests a restart. |
/closeapplications |
Instructs Setup to close applications using files that need to be updated. (PCAgent.exe, PCAgentUI.exe, Internet Explorer, Chrome) |
/log |
Causes Setup to create a log file in the user's TEMP directory. |
/log="filename" |
Same as /LOG, except it allows you to specify a fixed path/filename to use for the log file. |
Corporations deployment tools like SCCM, Group Policies
We don't provide support for using your own deployment tools, but can assist you in how you should push the software out and which installer arguments thats required.
You can use the installation options and generate your own installation command like the following example:
UXM_Desktop_Agent_YYYY.MM.DD.exe /verysilent /norestart /forcecloseapplications /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /agent_key=AgentKey /collector= /log /enable_ui_plugin=true /enable_chrome_plugin=false /enable_firefox_plugin=false /force_activation=false
Upgrading agent to new version
The agent will reuse old settings and can be upgraded with the command:
UXM_Desktop_Agent_YYYY.MM.DD.exe /verysilent /norestart /closeapplications /log
Append updated settings if needed.
Remote install via domain admin and psexec
Installing remotely
You can use psexec to install the program silently on a remote machine, can be used if you only need to push the agent out to a small number of machines.
psexec \\pc-hostname -u domain\adminUser -p adminPassword "\\networkShare\SYSVOL\domain\Software\UXM_Desktop_Agent_YYYY.MM.DD.exe" /silent /norestart /agent_key=TR32AD87 /collector= /log /enable_ui_plugin=true /enable_chrome_plugin=false /enable_firefox_plugin=false
A Bat/PowerShell script is attached to this article that takes a list of machines and pushes the software out to them.
Uninstalling remotely
You can execute the uninstallation program remotely, notice there is a difference between x86 and x64 bit machines.
psexec \\pc-hostname -u domain\adminUser -p adminPassword "C:\Program Files\MCG\UXM Desktop Agent\unins000.exe" /verysilent /norestart
A Bat/PowerShell script is attached to this article that takes a list of machines and uninstalls the software from them.
Troubleshooting issues
Log files are stored under %PROGRAMDATA%\Systemslab\UXM PC Agent\Logs we will need these if there are any issues with the agent.
It can also be nessesary to enable debug logging, this is done by editing the files C:\Program Files\Systemslab\UXM Desktop Agent\ and C:\Program Files\Systemslab\UXM Desktop Agent\ and setting the level to debug, a restart of the UXM Desktop Agent services is needed afterwards.